How to Manifest the Love of Your Life — Kelsey Aida

How to Manifest the Love of Your Life

Manifesting the love of your life doesn’t have to be some big mysterious process. With the right mindset and a few powerful manifestation techniques, you can call in your dream partner and finally create the relationship you’ve always wanted.

In this quick guide, I’ll show you how.

Maybe it sounds too good to be true. But I can confidently assure you that it's not. Because this is the exact same technique I used to manifest the love of my life. And if I can do it, after years of trial and error in love, you can too.

I also have some amazing additional resources (The Soulmate Attraction Journal and The Radical Self-Love Course) to help further support you in your love manifesting journey if you’re really ready to start calling in “the one”. 🙌🏼

Step 1: Get Clear on What You Want to Manifest in a Partnership

The Key to Successfully Manifesting Your Ideal Partner

First, let’s start with knowing what you need and want in a relationship.

Most people misunderstand this step and think it’s all about the traits and characteristics of their future partner. Everybody wants their 6’5”, blue-eyed, guy in finance. I get it.

The Universe actually over-delivered on mine and sent me a guy who is 6’7” and a former professional athlete. But that’s a love story for one of my books. A blog post simply will not suffice. But I digress.

If you really want to manifest your soul mate (and not just another “situationship” ) focus less on what your future partner looks like or does for work, and more on how you will feel within the relationship itself.

What do you really want the relationship for?

What value will the relationship add to both of your lives?

Questions like this are where the real manifestation meat is. (For more questions like this that will help you align with your soulmate, grab my Soulmate Attraction Journal here.)

If it’s partnership, safety, fun, and romance that you’re after… then your scripting and affirmations to manifest love would look something like this…

“I love how my relationship feels like we are doing life together as a team. We have so much fun when we spend time together. My partner is always planning thoughtful and romantic things for us to do I’ve never felt so seen, appreciated, special and supported.”

Not this: “I want a guy who has this specific job, looks like this specific way, is X inches tall… blah blah blah.”

All that kind of manifesting does is give the Universe a million superficial conditions that are gonna slow down the manifestation of your relationship.

The real key to manifesting the love of your life (or anything really) is to focus on the feelings and value the relationship will bring to your life.

And for extra credit, if you can start to cultivate these feelings now, before the relationship comes, it will manifest much more quickly for you.


Step 2: Emobdy Love to Manifest Love

How Self-Love Helps You Attract Your Soulmate

I know you’re probably tired of hearing that self-love is the answer to all your life problems… but it is! Especially when it comes to your closest relationships, like your life partner.

Here’s why.

When you become your own soulmate first, it’s impossible for your actual soulmate not to come.

Practicing self-love is the quickest way to make yourself a vibrational match to a loving relationship.

In the past, I was always able to manifest a relationship, but I was never able to manifest the relationship (aka meet my husband) until I really started practicing genuine self-love in my life.

And I’m not just talking bubble baths and taking yourself on dates, although those are a great place to start. I’m talking about…

Do you treat yourself how you treat the people you love most?

Can you look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself how loved you are?

Do you have proper boundaries in place in your life so as to take care of yourself?

Have you learned to lovingly hold space for yourself and gracefully process your feelings?

Do you do things to nourish and support yourself every day?

If you answered “no” to any of these questions, you need more self-love. Because (thanks to the good ol’ Law of Attraction) the better your relationship is with yourself, the better a partner you’re going to manifest. Your future relationship will be a mirror of the relationship you have with yourself.

If you can tolerate your uncomfortable emotions, you’re partner will be able to as well.

When you know how to nourish yourself, you’ll have more energy to give to them.

When you take your wellbeing into consideration, so will your partner.

And the same works in reverse!

If you don’t love yourself you’re either going to attract someone who is likely abusive or narcissistic (been there!). Or even if you do manage to end up with a heavenly angel, you won’t be able to receive their love because you won’t feel worthy of it. Which can only lead to a steady stream of tears, endless frustration, and self-sabotage.

No amount of compliments, date nights, and showering you with love and affection can fix a lack of love for yourself and low self-esteem.

I’ve helped thousands of women get their self-love glow up with my program Radical Self-Love, which I cannot recommend more highly for women who are ready to manifest love. I actually almost rebranded it to be a “man-ifesting” course for women because that’s such a common side effect for students who have gone through it.

Step 3: Release Your Love Blocks to Manifest the Love You Deserve

You Can’t Manifest Your Soulmate Without Doing This First

Now that you’ve gotten clear on what you want, and started to improve your relationship with yourself, there are only two things left to do.

  1. Release your blockages when it comes to love

  2. Take action to manifest and meet this person

So let’s talk about your love blocks.

As much as you might think you don’t have any, because of course you want to manifest love, if you’re not in your happily ever after relationship, you have resistance to being in that relationship.

Resistance is basically just split energy, but it can rear its ugly head in many different forms. Be it past trauma, limiting beliefs, self-sabotaging behaviors, stuck points in your energy field…the list goes on.

Resistance can look like…

Being scared to love again after one too many heartbreaks.

Believing that all men suck, so why even bother?

Saying you want a relationship, but living your best single life instead of going on dating apps and dates so you can actually meet and interview people for the position!

Wanting a partner, but resisting partnership in order to avoid feeling too needy or controlled.

Any of these examples feel a little too close to home? Not to fear because you’re resistance-releasing coach is here!

What you need to do to unblock yourself is identify exactly what your resistance is and then erase, re-write, or transform it from there.

The best place to start is to simply ask yourself the question:
Is there any part of me that’s not on board with being in a relationship right now?

And then just shut up and listen! All your limiting beliefs will come to the surface, if you let them.

Write them down and then go through them one-by-one and see if you can delete them or replace them with something more conducive to getting what you want.

This can be a little bit of a nuanced process depending on what comes up which is why I’m in the process of writing an entire book dedicated to helping people troubleshoot their resistance (stay tuned for that), but a great place to start for now is my Soulmate Attraction Journal because it has some exercises to help you do this!

There is also an entire lesson inside of Radical Self-Love that will help you overcome your resistance to loving yourself, and you can use that same exact process here to help you overcome your resistance to love, dating, men, or relationships in general.

Whatever you’re secretly, or not-so-secretly, resisting needs to be dealt with ASAP if you want any of your love manifesting techniques to actually work. Because you can try every manifesting method in the books, but if your energy is split, it’s not going to manifest very quickly, if at all.

Step 4: Take Aligned Action to Manifest Love Fast

The Practical Part of The Love Manifesting Process

The last step to manifesting your soul mate is the one you know you need to do, but probably don’t want to hear. Which is to put yourself out there and most importantly, leave your house!

I cannot stress this enough. The Uber delivery guy is not the one. I repeat: he is not the one.

If you want to meet the one, you need to get out, which is harder than ever in this work-from-home society, I know, but it has to be done.

I don’t care if you join a pickleball league, get a gym membership (great place to meet healthy hotties by the way) go to the dog park, volunteer at your church, work from the coffee shop instead of your kitchen, commit to three Bumble dates a month, or however you decide to do it…but you have to put yourself in the position to meet other people.

And not just people of the sex you are interested in, but all kinds of people because you never know who your next friendly matchmaker could be. Everyone knows someone.

Even if you don’t meet the love of your life while you’re out, you might just meet their sister, mother, co-worker or friend who has been eagerly awaiting the opportunity to set them up with someone amazing like you!

Ready to manifest the love of your life already?

Bonus Love Manifestation Resources

So there you have it folks!

Manifesting the love of your life isn’t just about calling in the right person—it’s about becoming the version of yourself who naturally attracts the love you desire.

By clarifying your vision, embodying love, releasing blocks, and taking inspired action, you’re ready finally to manifest the love you deserve!

While these steps are fairly simple, they can feel a little overwhelming without the right tools and guidance. That’s where my Love Manifestation Journal and Radical Self-Love Course come in. These resources are literally designed to help you go deeper into your self-love journey and give you everything you need to manifest the relationship of your dreams faster and with ease.

I look forward to seeing you inside either or both if you’re feeling the call. Happy love manifesting!

Read Me NeXT!

Blog Article Suggestions For You

Want to dive deeper into self-love?
Check out: What Really Happens When You Start to Love Yourself Fully

Curious if you can manifest a specific person?
This one’s for you: How Not to Manifest a Specific Person

Want to learn how to speed up your manifesting efforts?
Read this: How to Quickly Get Into Alignment with What You Want

FAQ’s: Manifesting Love

Commonly Asked Questions I Get as a Manifestation Coach

Q: How long does it take to manifest love?

A: Depends on how ready you are and how ready your partner is. Since there are a lot of moving parts, I can’t say for sure. But I can say that the more energetically aligned you are with love and partnership, the faster it will come. I’ve had clients and students manifest love in as fast as a few weeks, but I’ve also seen it take a few years. Patience is important because you don’t want to settle.

Q: Can I manifest a specific person?

A: Short answer. No. And I hate when people encourage others to try because everyone has free will that you cannot override, not even with a “love spell”, which I would also encourage you to stay away from. Instead of trying to manifest a specific person, manifest the type of partner you want and let the Universe decide who is best for the job. Plus, it’s worth mentioning that if you’re trying to get back your ex, they are likely your ex for a reason!

Q: How do I know if my manifesting is working?

A: You can tell that it’s working by how you’re feeling. If you’re feeling more hopeful and excited to meet your person, you’ve already won half the battle! You can also ask your spirit team to send you specific signs to let you know that love is on the way. You’ll likely feel more confident, sociable, and see other relationships in your life improve as well.

Q: Do I need to be fully healed before manifesting love?

A: Nope! But do as much healing as you can now while you’re single because you’ll have the most time and energy for it. The truth is healing helps to get you into alignment, but nobody is fully healed and you cannot expect yourself to be 100% perfect before you give yourself permission to love again. The right relationship will actually help you to continue on your healing journey if you pick a supportive partner

Q: Can I manifest love without the Law of Attraction?

A: Sure. The Law of Attraction is just a way to explain how experiences come to be, but you don’t have to “use it” in order for it to work for you. People who know nothing about the Law of Attraction are living the lives they are because of it all the time. It’s like gravity. You don’t have to “use it” or “believe in it” it’s just working in the background all the time to keep you tethered to the earth.

Q: What if I’ve never been in a relationship before?

A: Everyone has to start somewhere! And for some lucky people (not me, lol) their first love is their last. So just put yourself out there regardless if this is your 1st or 31st time. There are billions of people on this planet and, surprisingly, more than just one soulmate for everyone.

Q: Do you have any more resources to help me manifest love?

A: Do I ever! I suggest subscribing to my podcast High Vibin’ It for all your manifesting, self-love, and personal growth needs first because it’s free and there are hundreds of episodes that will help you create a life you love. In addition to the Soulmate Attraction Journal, and my Radical Self-Love Course, I also have a Guided Meditation called Connecting With Your Soulmate to help you manifest love, and I’m thinking of writing a whole book on it. If the book is something you’re interested in make sure you get on my email list and let me know in the comments below!