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Work with me

1-on-1 Support, Guidance, and Transformation Facilitation

Here to help you align your energy on a mind, body, and soul level so you can expedite your healing, manifest your hearts desires, live out your highest timeline, and love yourself unconditionally through the process.

Scroll to see current offerings.

Do yourself a favor and sign up for coaching sessions with Kelsey! In just ONE session I was able to do some serious energy work and free myself from judgmental thoughts that creep into my mind, something I’ve been struggling with for years. The universe put Kelsey in my life at the perfect time and I cherish our coaching calls. I’m eternally grateful.
— Nelsy, North Carolina
Working with Kelsey was the best decision everrrr. Even after just one session I was skipping up the stairs and feeling so great. She’s freakin’ awesome.
— Dori, Florida
Being on a self-love journey as a man is hard. I took her self-love class and started working with her privately after a breakup and she is so helpful and honest. She doesn’t beat around the bush and gets straight to the point. I love her one-on-one coaching, we high vibe it out during our conversations. I am really feeling that much closer to love for myself. Work with Kelsey if you want to go on a self-love journey.
— Alex, California
My sessions with Kelsey help me to feel like there is so much less weight on my shoulders.
— Gabriella, Puerto Rico
I’ve been working with Kelsey for almost a year now. In the past and near-present, I have tried traditional therapy and while I did make some helpful discoveries in this, I find my healing sessions with Kelsey to be more life-giving. She also helps me navigate through my thoughts/goals and life events instead of “fixing” me. She has helped me realize my power through this and it also helps that she relates to me in many ways.

If you are looking for a great way to work through your feelings and to get unstuck, I could not recommend Kelsey enough. Her retreat is also magical and life-giving. It was an unforgettable experience for me as I have taken the sisterhood connections with me into my life. Working with Kelsey is a unique and empowering way to navigate through life.
— Ella, Tennessee
Having Kelsey in my corner to be there and support me through it all has been priceless. I’m a new and improved version of myself after working with her. I have so much less anxiety, so much more self-compassion, AND the emotional resilience and freedom that I’ve tapped into is unreal.
— Katie, Texas
I honestly cannot begin to tell you the shift that has occurred for me already. I was in such turmoil before we started working together and now I can access so much more joy and positivity. I have never been able to do this before. Kelsey is amazing, this work is amazing. Even my doctor is extremely impressed by what Kelsey and I have been accomplishing together. From the bottom of my heart I cannot thank her enough.
— Katie, Australia
When I came across Kelsey and her services when I was at a real low point in life and I was seeking a more holistic approach to mental health that embodied a spiritual practice. Over the course of 3 months, she helped me to face each feeling and pattern I was experiencing in life and helped me to become comfortable with the uncomfortable. She helped guide me to be able to have honest, fearless conversations with myself and soul to know and learn how to work with myself. She also helped me gain the confidence and practice needed to emerge from a post-partum depression that lasted over a year. Her spiritual-based guidance, upbeat attitude and off-the-cuff humor was exactly the mentorship fit I was seeking and I would definitely recommend her services to both my friends and family.
— Danielle, New York

Using my varius inutitive, healing, and channeling gifts I’m able to help you uplevel your life in more ways than one.

By accessing your Akashic Records, performing Reiki, helping you shift your mindset, and upgrade your energy, I help you to feel better, upgrade your identity, and create a life you love while you simultaneously learn how to love yourself unconditionally, master your emotions, manifest your genuine desires, and allow more freedom and happiness into your life. All while releasing self-judgment and resistance that is no longer serving you anymore!

Clients come to me for many different reasons, but always leave our sessions feeling lighter, clearer, more confident, more empowered, and activated. Between the mindset shifting and energy work, energetic upgrades happen on a mind body and soul level, connecting you to more ease, happiness, and flow in your life, in the most holistic way.

Ready to break past a stuckpoint and enter your next highest timeline?

Need some loving support and fast relief during an emotionally tough season?

Ready to step into your next-level-self and realize your deepest desires in life?

Let’s do it!

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75 Min Breakthrough Session

Investment - $444

A power session designed to help you gain clarity and break through a particular challenge, stuck point, or current level you are experiencing. Best suited for new clients who want a quick win and a powerful energetic shift.

3 or 6 Quantum Sessions

Investment - $1,200-2,400
You Save $44 Each Session

Over multiple sessions, Kelsey will work with you on a mind, body, and spirit level to help you transform, collapse time, and clear whatever is no longer serving you so you can heal, manifest, and align with your deepest desires. You will tap into your clarity, and feel the presence, peace, and possibilities of living in alignment with your highest self.

Sessions Include

✨ Akashik Records Access

✨ Remote Energy Healing Work

✨ Intuitive Guidance and Support

✨ Perspective and Timeline Shifting

✨ Emotional Processing and Clearing Where Needed

✨ Energy Alignment and Attunement for Manifestation

✨ Self-love Techniques for Fast Relief and Overall Improved Wellbeing

✨ Manifestation and Self-Love Coaching

Not sure what to book or have a question? Send Kelsey a voicenote or DM on Instagram @kelseyaida.