Even if you have tried “manifesting” for years and it hasn’t worked for you, get ready to learn how to manifest more money and live more abundantly 💸

Let me know if you relate

Are you tired of playing small with money? Of watching it slip through your fingers like tears in rain, despite working yourself to the bone trying to #hustleandmanife

Maybe you've hit your limit with the whole "positive vibes only" mantra around abundance. 

Maybe you've tried everything under the sun to manifest money — vision boards, affirmations, meditations, even spiritual practices — but that lasting wealth you crave just never seems to stick.

Or perhaps you've had sporadic wins with manifesting cash, but can never seem to sustain it long-term. One second, you're celebrating a windfall... and the next, you're right back in the "Lack Vortex," stressing over how to pay your damn bills!  

If this sounds like you, honey, you're not alone. Millions of hardworking souls are struggling with the same fears and frustrations around money. And with hyperinflation running rampant these days, the money you are making is becoming even less valuable. All the more reason why you need to master the art of money manifesting.

But here's the truth:

No amount of positive thinking or "money mindset" work will bring you real, sustainable wealth... until you identify and release the deep, subconscious blocks keeping you vibrationally misaligned with abundance.

It's time to stop bandaid-ing the real money wounds that are energetically capping your income, and instead excise them from the roots up... once and for all.

Think back to your earliest memories related to money and wealth. 

What were the stories and programming you absorbed as a little human sponge?

Maybe you grew up hearing things like "Money doesn't grow on trees!" or witnessing your parents argue constantly about finances. 

Their constant worry and fear around lack got hardwired into your baby neurons.

Or perhaps achieving your goals and dreams was always dismissed with criticism like "That'll never work!" or "Better to have a backup plan." Those seeds of doubt regarding your desires and worthiness sprouted weedy vines that eventually choked out your self-belief and ambition.  

Those disempowering experiences shaped your primal relationship with abundance. Even as you've matured, those fears, traumas, and limiting beliefs have stayed with you.  

And the more your adult life brought disappointments, layoffs, and failed business ventures — essentially, any experience that reinforced the "I'm not enough" wound, the deeper your scarcity blocks embedded into your energetic field.

You've been vibrating at the frequency of doubt, repelling wealth and abundance even as you superficially "affirm" otherwise. It's an endless loop of affirming one way, but vibrationally repelling any real, lasting results.

That's because to experience a profound manifestation around money, you must blast out those entrenched roots of lack on the deepest mind-body-soul levels. No amount of "positive thinking" will override those subconscious programs that have been humming for decades, as I’m sure you’ve probably noticed by now.

If you're finally ready to stop putting a bubbly manifestation Band-Aid over your money blocks and instead experience a profound overhaul of your entire abundance frequency, then buckle up... 

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The chronic fears, limiting beliefs, and traumas that have been plaguing your moneymaking prospects for lifetimes?

Subconscious patterns of underearning and self-sabotage?

That deeply coded scarcity virus fueling your lack mentality?

By systematically obliterating those heavy energetic anchors weighing you down, you'll remove your internal resistance to receiving massive amounts of wealth and prosperity. Like getting a full-body energetic defrag and factory reset, you'll feel yourself rapidly realigning with the frequency of money magnetism.

Inside the program… 

☀ You'll reprogram the very way your brain operates around finances and success. Old negative associations like "Money only leads to greed and corruption" or "Earning big means sacrificing ethics" will be overwritten with ultra-high-vibe, empowered abundance codes.

☀ You'll also receive a wealth of (pun intended) guided energy meditations and somatic practices to fortify your wealthy new self-image. These multi-sensory techniques dissolve blocks on the deepest emotional and spiritual levels, solidifying your magnetic moneymaker aura.

☀ And the effects will be profound and rapid, in every area of your existence. It’s not uncommon to start manifesting income in amounts that make your old self's jaw drop within weeks. Windfalls, unexpected checks, dream opportunities, raises — the abundance deluge will be relentless! 

But this program goes far beyond just raining cash.

☀ You'll develop an unwavering, diamond-forged self-worth and unshakeable trust that the Universe has your wildest desires covered. A constant flow-state of creative ideas, energy, and resources will become your new normal. 

By the time you complete the Money Magnetics Mastercourse,

☀ You'll have undergone nothing short of a total energetic rebirth into the highest expression of yourself — someone who magnetizes financial abundance as naturally as breathing.  

☀ Unbound from the poverty traps and toxic scarcity loops, this newfound you will be self-actualized being. Operating freely from a frequency of surplus, service, and generosity rather than fear and constriction. Manifesting the abundant lifestyle of your wildest dreams but also helping elevate others to a state of prosperity consciousness, too. 

If you've been seeking the missing piece to financial freedom beyond mere motivational hype, know this: Money Magnetics delivers the complete mind-body-spirit solution to demolish your lack codes and surrender fully into the flow of infinite universal abundance.

Inside Money Magnetics, you’ll GET…


Powerful Video Lessons

Learn practical strategies and actionable steps to transform your financial reality through engaging and informative video lessons.

Journal Prompts (& Printable Worksheets!)

Uncover limiting beliefs and unlock your true earning potential with introspective journaling prompts and downloadable worksheets that guide you towards financial freedom.

Guided Meditations

Reprogram your subconscious mind for wealth with downloadable guided meditations and powerful abundance activations that shift your energy towards attracting prosperity.

Abundance Activations & Energy Work

Go beyond traditional methods with practices like abundance activations and energy work to remove energetic blocks and open yourself to greater financial flow.

Money Mindset Shifts

Develop a powerful money mindset through proven techniques and exercises, rewiring your beliefs for financial empowerment.

Dream Life Keys & Permission To Drive

Discover the secrets to unlocking your dream life and gain the permission and confidence to pursue your financial goals with unwavering belief.

Plus These Amazing Bonuses

💸 Financial Habit Trackers

Financial Habit Trackers allow you to monitor your financial habits and celebrate progress towards your goals.

💸 Boss Babe Business Growth Affirmation Cards

Supercharge your mindset with 25 targeted affirmations for business growth, healing self-worth, and attracting abundance within your business.

💸 Worthiness Wounds Affirmation Cards

Heal your worthiness wounds with this digital affirmation deck with 25 targeted mantras and messages from spirit so you can finally receive.

💸 Checks From The Universe

Visualize your financial success with "Checks From The Universe" and personalize your affirmations with "Affirmations of the Week Sheets."

Hi, I’m Kelsey aida

I'm a bestselling author, 6-figure money manifester, and lover of all things beautiful and abundant!

You may recognize me as one of the voices behind the Top-Ranked Podcast "High Vibin’ It". Or perhaps you’ve devoured one of my smash-hit books like "Letters to the Universe". 

Over the past few years, I have helped thousands of people break through their wealth blocks and step into abundance on a mind-body-soul level.

My teachings are a unique blend of mindset reprogramming with energy work, making manifestation principles shockingly effective and sustainable.

But that wasn’t always the case.

My drive to share these principles comes from my journey of overcoming major darkness and depression as a teenager and young adult. 

For about 3 years in my late teens and early 20s, I suffered from severe depression. It got so bad that I would fantasize about being in a coma or even taking my own life to escape the heaviness and hopelessness I felt. It was an extremely low point for me.

But since overcoming depression and learning how to manifest my best life, I’ve made it my mission to empower others with the energetic tools and principles that work!

Now, it’s time for me to help the collective master their money vibes and rid as many people as I can of the unnecessary financial struggle, stress, and lack of alignment.


Time to break free! 💸

It’s time to prove it to yourself and start living the abundant life you know you are destined for.

Together will we elevate your money mindset, bring you into energetic alignment with financial abundance, and get you manifesting that money honey!

That's why I created Money Magnetics and continue this work today.

What I’m about to teach you in this course is my special Money Magnetics Formula, that has helped myself and my clients transform and upgrade our financial circumstances from the inside out, time and time again.

What my Students Are Saying…

“I have manifested my dream job within 24h of taking the course. How amazing is that! 😊”

Breatrice’s on the Money Magnetics Mastercourse

“I feel more empowered and capable than ever. Following Kelsey’s work I have increased my business sales and this summer I’m moving to Europe to start a digital nomad life I’ve always dreamed of.”

Katie’s on working with Kelsey

“The program helped me heal my childhood trauma around money and attract amazing business opportunities. I feel way more confident when it comes to managing my money and empowered to put it into places where it works for me!”

Joly’s on the Money Magnetics Mastercourse

Mores Testimonials From Other Students


As you can see, lives are being upgraded on an epic scale thanks to Money Magnetics' unique approach. People who had languished for years struggling with the paradox of "doing all the manifestation work" but still feeling chronically broke and disempowered are now reborn as unstoppable money magnets. 🎉

What these transformations exemplify is that when you eliminate your blocks and recalibrate your entire energetic frequency, manifesting money and wealth gets exponentially easier. 

When you enroll in Money Magnetics today, you'll receive the complete blueprint to rewire your abundance frequency and embody the magnetic mindset of a wealth magnet in every fiber of your being.

✨ First, we get brutally honest about the deep-rooted abundance saboteurs and limiting beliefs that have kept you playing small financially. Through profound journaling exercises and self-inquiry work, you'll gain laser-focused clarity on your unique limiting patterns - the personal stories, core wounds and stuck energies keeping you trapped in scarcity.

✨ From there, we systematically release and reprogram each disempowering layer using a proven multidimensional process. This approach combines mindset mastery techniques with powerful energy work like breathwork, tapping, chakra activation exercises and more.

✨ You'll experience profound emotional breakthroughs that dislodge lack imprinting from your subconscious mind and body. Dismantling core blocks like "I don't deserve wealth," "Money is hard" or "There's never enough to go around." And replacing them with high-vibe sovereign codes around radical self-worth, wealth determination and abundance entitlement.

To rapidly embody this new affluent identity,

✨ We'll tune your frequencies using specially enhanced audio meditations encoded with potent prosperity activations. Meditations designed to rewire your subconscious to naturally attract wealth, opportunities, and assets with ease.

✨ By the final phases, you'll experience an awe-inspiring initiation that activates and codes your entire being as a true wealth magnet on the quantum level.

In essence,

This program is a complete Personal Wealth Revolution. We'll eliminate every block while installing new high-vibe moneymaker codes, until attracting abundance becomes your effortless, automatic way of Being.


This is your all-access pass to the life of your dreams!

Now, this is not a “get-rich-quick” scheme. This is a become holistically wealthy over a gradual and sustainable period of time practice. It’s nice and gentle on the nervous system so you can grow at your own pace. 🫶🏽

This method is a lifelong practice that will take you to the next highest level of wealth currently available to you, and then the next one, and then the next one… over and over again. Use it every time you’re ready to break through a glass ceiling, or welcome in even more money with even more ease.


you are ready to feel empowered and confident about your finances.

you feel that money is hard to make, keep, or accumulate (but deep down you know there must be ways to make it and stack it doing work you enjoy)!

… on some level you feel like money is for “other people”, but not you.

… your money stories and financial fears are getting in the way of you finally going for it.

your poor money habits seem to be sabotaging your money-manifesting efforts.

… you’re ready to stop playing into feelings of unowrthiness and want to own your worth.

you’re confused about when to “let it come” to you and when it “take inspired action” to make it happen.

your get rich “strategy” (of playing the lotto) isn’t proving to be a sustainable way to wealth.

… you’re not broke, but you’re feeling financially stuck and you haven’t quite figured out how to thrive when it comes to money yet.

you are generally making less than 6 figures.

… you’re ready to prove to yourself that you are capable of calling in and creating a great living for yourself.

If you’re resonating with 3 or more of the above, this course was literally MADE for you.

The Money Magnetics Mastercourse is about to light up your world and be your new best friend!✨

Just take a second to picture where you could be a few months from now…

Imagine enrolling today and in a few weeks, heck even a few days, you’ve gone from feeling restricted, limited, and stuck when it comes to money to…

Feeling relaxed and easy about money because you always have more than enough to do what you want, when you want.

Making great money contributing value to the world in a way that feels fulfilling to you.

Spoiling your friends and family in whatever way you see fit!

Donating your abundant time and resources to the charities you love on the regular.

Traveling the world without having to worry about how you’re gonna afford it.

Leaving huge tips to service people you admire because you’re that baller.

Treating yourself to regular self-care luxuries like weekly massages or facials (without feeling guilty for it).

Living in a beautiful and spacious home that overlooks the ocean (or a lake)!

I know this life sounds like a fantasy, but the truth is, it’s possible.

And yes, it’s even possible for YOU.

And if you’re like “Manifesting millions seems like a big overwhelming task…” you’re in luck, because you likely don’t even need millions to live out all your desires. 

And if you do, who’s to say you have to know how that’s gonna happen right now? Leave the how up to the Universe! 

Your only job right now is to align yourself with more money, and the money will come.

Honestly, you’re likely only a few energetic shifts away from being able to create a lifestyle you love and I want to help you to do it!

Life is too short to keep living in lack and wasting your potential. I know you can feel the life that is calling to you.

It’s time to let yourself move towards it and start creating it, one shift at a time.

If you’ve read this far, you're probably quite excited by the prospect of finally dismantling your wealth blocks and awakening your magnetic money magnet powers once and for all.

Yet a thought may be swirling in the back of your mind: 

"But Kelsey, how can I be sure this will REALLY work for me? What if I'm just too blocked or damaged to ever manifest wealth?"

I feel you, honey. When you've tried and tried to no avail, it's only natural to carry some doubt about whether THIS is finally the key that unlocks those resilient lack shackles.  

That's why I've designed The Money Magnetics Program in a way that works for anyone willing to follow the process. Everything is mapped out in simple, easy-to-digest steps to hold your hand through each phase of this powerful process.

✨ Enroll now to start manifesting that money! ✨

I've tried so many money mindset programs before with no results. What makes this different?

I totally understand the frustration of feeling like you've tried everything with no lasting changes. Money Magnetics Mastercourse takes a multidimensional approach that goes far beyond just faking it till you make it, being more positive, or visualization alone. It’s not only mindset shifting either, it’s a complete improvement of energetics on a mind, body, and soul level. We identify and release the deep-rooted energetic blocks and imprints keeping you stuck at a cellular level. It's a complete vibrational realignment.

I'm really struggling financially right now, how can I afford this?

Money is certainly a very real struggle for so many people, hence the creation of this course! Money Magnetics Mastercourse is an investment because having some skin in the game creates a driving force for real change. I’ve offered many freebies in my career and I can tell you the results people get with those vs the tools and programs they pay for… is a big difference! We do offer payment plans to make it as accessible as possible to as many people as possible. Ultimately, think of this as an investment that will pay itself off exponentially over time.

I don't have much free time, how long does the course take? 

The core modules and digestible video lessons are designed to work through step-by-step, at your own pace. You can spend as little as 1-2 hours per week. The most important thing is diligently practicing the inner work, even if it's in small chunks of time. Consistent action is what creates profound shifts. Don’t think of it as just education, think of it as a new lifestyle and practice to integrate into your life in a way that feels good for you.

What if I try it and nothing changes for me?

While I've seen these tools create amazing breakthroughs for many people, you're right that everyone's journey is different. I certainly can’t guarantee that you’ll become a millionaire overnight by going through this course. But here’s what I can guarantee: If you go through the entire course, apply the practices wholeheartedly, and still don't experience any shifts in your mood, mindset, or abundance levels after 14 days, I'll happily refund your investment.

And if you still find yourself wavering on the fence, know this:

Money Magnetics is backed by my genuine "Love it or Leave it" guarantee.

Here's how it works:

✨ Simply immerse yourself fully in the program for 2 weeks while doing the deep energetic work. If you still feel like the value in the course and the shifts you’ll experience in your life aren’t worth the investment... I'll give you a 100% refund. Plus you get to keep the program. No questions asked. 

✨ That's how confident I am that the Money Magnetics process dislodges even the toughest blocks around money and scarcity! You quite literally have nothing to lose.

✨ Imagine waking up one year from today, radiating wealth and abundance from every ounce of your being. Looking back, you feel immense gratitude for making that pivotal decision today – the day you traded your cage of lack for an abundant rebirth.

✨ Without those leaky energetic holes and wealth saboteurs ceaselessly draining your prosperity, you now move through the world as an irresistible magnet for money, resources, opportunities, and every desire.

✨ Debts? Handled confidently with record speed and ease.

✨ Dream career or aligned clients for your business? Manifested rapidly and exceeded your highest expectations.

✨ Abundant freedom to live life on your terms? Finally, that chronic anxiety and desperation have been transformed into a constant state of peace and overflow.

This life-shifting transformation starts right here, right now.

By claiming your spot in Money Magnetics today, you're positioning yourself into the energetic frequencies of wealth, self-worth and spiritual liberation.

And to accelerate your rebirth, I'm including a bundle of ultra-high vibe bonuses when you enroll today:

But please, don't sleep on this. These magnetic wealth codes have taken me over a decade to extract and compile into a streamlined system.

And every moment that passes stagnating in lack consciousness is another delay to birthing your premium moneymaker potential.


✨ If you are tired of feeling stuck in a cycle of financial frustration and you yearn for the freedom and security that comes with abundance, then this course is made for you.

✨ In my Money Magnetics course, I'll guide you through a holistic process that combines mindset shifts, energetic alignment, and practical tools to help you overcome money blocks and start manifesting more money with ease and consistency.

✨ I've transformed my own life from darkness to abundance, and I'm here to help you do the same.

Click the "Enroll Now"

button now and prepare for an energetic rebirth beyond your wildest dreams.