Come on a retreat

Come hang with me IN PERSON for the experience of a lifetime on my next self-empowerment retreat! The next retreat will be a 6-day, all inclusive, Self-Love Retreat in the gorgeous beach town Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. There are limited spots available for the next retreat so be sure to snag your spot A.S.A.P.!


Work with me 1:1

Looking for unconditional support and guidance in your life? Maybe it’s time to get a coach to help you take your life experience to the next level. Feel better, manifest your dreams, and learn how to love yourself like never before. I only work with a few one on one clients at a time and you can apply using the button below.


Enroll in Radical Self-Love

Radical Self-Love is 14 lesson online course where you’ll be guided through the most profound and transformational self-love exercises so you can realize your divine perfection and (finally) start loving the f*ck out of yourself! It’s my favorite e-course that I have ever created (and it will probably save you years of therapy).


Enroll in Manifesting Masterclass

Manifesting Masterclass is a 30-day online course that will turn you into a manifesting machine! This e-course was specifically created for people who are new to manifesting and have some particular goal that they would like to see come to fruition. In this program I teach you THE formula for manifesting anything you want. All Manifesting Masterclass students get private access to me as their personal manifestation coach (via email).