(Video) 4 LOA Books You Should Read to up Your Manifesting Game (Copy)

Hey guys!

In this week's video I'm sharing are a few books I highly recommend you check out if you're wanting to really master the Law of Attraction and up your manifesting game.

I've been reading most of these in order to get some case studies and do more research for a book I'm currently working on called Why The Law of Attraction Works for Some People But Not You, which I'll be launching sometime later this year! (Yay!)

You can find links to all these books just below the video in case you want to check any of them out. They are all available on Amazon and cost less than $20. #winning

Let me know in the comments if you're reading any good books I should know about!

P.S. Don't forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel for more videos like this! And be sure to subscribe to my blog if you wanna be the first to know why my book is available!

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