Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Tarot Cards

Wondering if you should get your tarot cards read?

You’ve come to the right article!

Today, I’m demystifying the scary stigma around tarot cards and teaching you what they are really all about and why you should totally get your cards read.

Who am I to teach you all this? Well, I’m actually a card reader myself.

So I can tell you, from experience, everything you’ve ever wanted to know about tarot cards and why they are such an awesome tool for your spiritual journey.

And if, in the end, you’re convinced that it’s for you, hit me up and we can do a personalized reading for you. Trust me, it will be fun, insightful, and super validating! It always is.

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Tarot Cards and Why You Should Have Yours Read

What are tarot cards and what are they used for?

Tarot cards are most commonly considered a divination tool. (Which can sounds scary if you’re not familiar with the term, but not to worry.) Really this just means that they are a way to get in touch with the divine!

Tarot cards are the medium through which messages from your Spirit team, God, the Universe (whatever you believe in) can come through.

Simply explained, tarot cards are a deck of cards with spiritual symbols and images on them. Each card has a specific meaning or piece of advice to offer you in any given situation.

It’s easiest to think of tarot cards as just another cool way that the Universe sends you signs about your life!

When and why should I get a tarot reading?

People often turn to the tarot when they are in need of a little encouragement, guidance, or clarification about their lives (in general or around a particular situation).

Basically, if you’ve got questions, the cards have answers!

For example, if you were single and wanted to know about your love life, you could ask the cards to give you some advice on how to go about manifesting that relationship.

If you weren’t sure about a career opportunity you could ask the cards for some guidance there and they would give it to you.

And the best part is… (at least in my experience) they are always spot on. Like, it’s seriously creepy how relevant the cards chosen for you can be.

Technically anyone can get a deck of cards (The Wild Unknown Tarot is my personal favorite deck) and start reading them on their own, but it’s helpful (and much easier) to just go to someone who is a clear channel so that the right messages can come through.

Card readers (like myself) are often very intuitive beings who have studied the cards and can easily dissipater their messages for you. The more “in alignment” your card reader is, meaning the more connected they are to Spirit, the better the reading will be for you.

(If you’re interested in scheduling a card reading with me simply click here to send me an email and we can get that all set up for you! It’s only $45 and we can ask the cards about anything.)

How do tarot cards work?

It’s easy to be skeptical and think, “Well, how are these cards ‘magically’ giving me the answers that I need?”

My response to this is, how is your life always giving you the answers you need?! Through signs, synchronicities, inclinations

Getting your tarot cards read is just another way for your signs to reach you.

And the reason that readings are so spot on is because you are literally manifesting the answers or advice that you need in any given moment, just like how you manifest everything else in your life.

If you’re an energetic match to a certain card or message, that card will come out during your reading. That’s just the good old Law of Attraction doing its thang!

There have been several times where I was pulling my own cards, didn’t like the cards that I pulled, tried to pull again (to get try and get a different result), but then the SAME cards just kept coming out! No matter how much I shuffled and mixed up the cards. #energyneverlies

I’m scared of getting my tarot cards read…

If you’re scared to have your cards read, just know that you don’t have to be. If the intention of the reading is to help you and to serve you, then it will never hurt you.

You might end up being confronted with some real time truths that feel a little well… confronting. But as a whole, I would say the tarot is actually very encouraging and optimistic!

Tarot cards are really meant to help you along your journey. Not scare you about your future.

Your experience can also differ greatly depending on who you choose to read your cards. If you choose a pessimistic person to read your tarot cards, then (obviously) your messages are going to get filtered through their pessimistic outlook on life. And vise versa.

So it’s important to choose someone who’s energy you resonate with. (And if you like reading my blog, then maybe that’s me!)

Are tarot cards true?

Or in other words, “Is what the cards tell me going to come true?”

Well, that depends... Like with any kind of psychic reading, the predicted outcome of a circumstance is not necessarily the only outcome.

AND you always have free will, so if you don’t like the way a situation is unfolding you always have the power to change it.

If you got an unfavorable tarot reading, that would just be the cards way of warning you that if you continue on the path that you’re on now, (with the same thoughts, habits, and patterns…) then this is the most likely outcome.

Plus, tarot cards aren’t just for predicting the future. They are for getting clarity, guidance, and help.

If you’re struggling with any given circumstance or decision the cards might encourage you to meditate more, spend more time in nature, connect with your heart instead of your head… It’s not all about the future, it’s all about the now!

Should I get my tarot cards read?

In summary, only you can answer this question for yourself.

If you’re being called to have your cards read, then it’s probably meant for you. And if not, then don’t worry about it!

If you’ve been wondering about a certain situation, confused on which way to go, needing a little hope and encouragement, or anything along these lines… then I would highly recommend getting your tarot cards read!

Getting your cards read will help illuminate the path for you and maybe even give you the glimmer of hope that you need to carry on.

If you’re picking up what I’m putting down, don’t hesitate to reach out so we can schedule your card reading today.

Or, if you’re still a little unsure, follow me on Instagram (@kelseyaida) and watch my Insta stories. I’m always posting general tarot readings for the collective there.

Either way, I hope this article helped you see the truth about tarot and why it’s such a valuable spiritual tool.

Happy readings my friends!